An Bord Pleanála have turned down planning permission for a proposed new large animal veterinary clinic in County Galway, due to the potential impact on water quality.
Western Veterinary proposed to construct a clinic and yard located in Ardbear, Clifden, accompanied by a wastewater treatment system, a percolation area, internal road and car parking facilities.
The realignment of an access junction with the R341 was also included in the plans, which would widen the local access road, with a footpath also to be constructed.
This proposed development would serve large farm animals and provide treatment for horses, and the company cited that an upgrade in facilities is needed to treat and house animals who are often seen to within the open car park area.
It was also aimed to make Clifden a central hub for veterinary care with the investment into a veterinary care centre.
Planning permission had been granted for the clinic by Galway County Council in 2023, but was appealed to An Bord Pleanála by two local families. Among the issues raised concerned the impact on residential amenities, increased traffic, and devaluation of local properties.
An inspector for An Bord Pleanála saw that with proper design and layout, and the correct management of traffic, water and wastewater services, the site would be deemed suitable. It was also noted that the site would be located over 150m away from the nearest house.
However, the inspector was not fully satisfied that the wastewater treatment proposals would not adversely impact upon groundwater, and the board decided to refuse permission in accordance with this recommendation.
The board was also not satisfied that effluent from the development could be properly treated and disposed of on the site, given soil conditions and the existence of bedrock near the surface.
“In such circumstances, the board is precluded from granting permission,” it said.