592 admitted patients are waiting for beds this morning in Irish hospitals according to the INMO trolley watch figures.

Over 10,500 patients were treated on hospital trolleys across the country in November.

University Hospital Limerick is the most overcrowded hospital in the country today, where there are 84 patients waiting for a bed.

58 are waiting at Cork University Hospital, with a further 42 without a bed at University Hospital Galway.

University Hospitals in Sligo and Mayo are both relatively high, with figures of 32 and 24 respectively.

During November, Limerick (with 2,110) and Cork (1,082) were the most overcrowded hospitals, while University Hospital Galway was third with 822 treated on trolleys.

Sligo University Hospital was fourth most overcrowded on 626, while Mayo was at the lower level of the list on 367.

Portiuncla University Hospital in Ballinasloe was one of the quieter hospitals across the country where 172 were waiting for a bed in November.

(pic Wikipedia) 


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