The Irish Hospice Foundation has launched it campaign ‘Time to Talk, Tomorrow Starts Today’, encouraging people to talk about dying and grieving
Its encouraging people to start having conversations about dying and grieving, with the aim of normalising these difficult topics and acknowledging that they are part of the life cycle. Their Time to Talk, Tomorrow Starts Today campaign aims to help people navigate the conversations surrounding death, advance care planning and grief.
It understands that it can be difficult for people to discuss these matters, but say it is important to do so, and is providing resources to open up and facilitate such conversations.
The Time to Talk campaign aims to encourage conversations on end of life with loved ones so that wishes are known, that plans can be put in place and carried out. Loved ones can then take comfort in knowing the person’s end of life wishes and giving them the farewell they would want.
The campaign will run for several months and is supported by a communications programme including digital content and events.
Paula O’Reilly is the CEO of the Irish Hospice Foundation and she’s ben telling Midwest News Editor Teresa O’Malley more about the aim of the campaign….
For more information on the Time to Talk, Tomorrow Starts Today campaign, see