63 groups in Mayo received funding under the “Age & Opportunity Active National Grant Scheme”.
This funding is for sport and physical activity in older age-groups.
The Grant Scheme is a combined initiative from Age & Opportunity and Sport Ireland with funding provided by the Government of Ireland.
The news has been welcomed by Deputy Michael Ring who says The “Age & Opportunity Active National Grant Scheme” has been a very useful resource. It has resulted in older people becoming more active.
This funding again highlights the Government’s commitment to older people and the benefit of sport and physical activity in the lives of older people”.
The full list is...
Organisation: Organisation Name |
Grant Amount Paid |
An Sportlann Ballinrobe (TA Lakeside sport & Fitness Club) |
250 |
Balla Active Retirement Association |
250 |
Ballina ARA |
250 |
250 |
Ballina Dragon (Meitheal Abhainn) Boat Club |
250 |
Ballina Karen Community Green Garden |
250 |
Ballina Men's Shed |
250 |
Ballina Tennis Club Limited |
250 |
Ballinrobe Active Retirement |
260 |
Ballinrobe Community Sportshub |
260 |
Ballinrobe Handball Club |
250 |
Ballintubber G.A.A. Club |
260 |
Ballyglass Active Age |
250 |
250 |
Ballyheane "55" Club ARA |
260 |
Ballyheane Woman's Group |
260 |
Behy ICA |
250 |
260 |
Bonniconlon ICA |
250 |
250 |
Cairdeas Kilmovee Family Resource Centre - (Kilkelly out-reach service) |
260 |
Carrowmore Meadows Residents Group |
250 |
250 |
Castlebar ICA |
250 |
Castlebar Social Services CLG |
250 |
Charlestown and District Development Association |
260 |
Claremorris Family Resource Centre |
260 |
Clar I.R.D. Clg. Lawn SHS |
250 |
Clew Bay Pickleball Club |
250 |
Clogher Active Retirement |
260 |
Comharchumann Forbartha cill tseadhna Teoranta |
260 |
Comharchumann Forbartha Ionad Deirbhile |
260 |
Cong, The Neale Young at Heart Club |
250 |
Crossmolina Community Council CLG |
250 |
Crossmolina ICA Guild |
250 |
Hi-noon club (Tithe Cois Tra) |
260 |
ICA Mayo |
250 |
Irish Wheelchair Association Mayo |
260 |
Kilcommon Activity Group for the Elderly |
260 |
Kilmovee Active age Thursday Club |
250 |
Knockmore/Rathduff Women's Group |
250 |
Lacken Carer's Support Group |
260 |
Ladies Socially Inclusive Activities Club |
250 |
260 |
Louisburgh Area Mens shed - LAMS |
250 |
Mayo Sports Partnership |
500 |
Meelick ICA |
250 |
Monday Meets over 55 |
260 |
Moygownagh Community Alert |
260 |
Moy Valley Resources |
250 |
Mulranny ARA |
250 |
Mulranny ICA |
250 |
Seid na bhFear Acla |
250 |
Shrule Active Over 55s |
250 |
Straide Community Development Women?s & Active Retirement Group |
260 |
Swinford Go Getters |
250 |
The Irish Wheelchair Association |
260 |
Walking Football/Enniscrone |
250 |
Westport ARA |
250 |
Westport Carers Group |
250 |
Westport Ladies Social Group |
250 |
Westport Men's Shed |
250 |
Young at Heart Parke Castlebar ARA |
250 |