“The death of Mick Brennan brings to an end the life of an extraordinary trio of people from Tuam, County Galway – Tom Murphy, Mike Cooley and Mick Brennan, three close friends who left secondary school to go to the local ‘Tech’ with the aim of building an airplane.


Each in their own individual ways would go on to make an enormous personal contribution. Tom Murphy as one of Ireland’s foremost playwrights, Mike Cooley in his being awarded the Right Livelihood Award and author of such seminal books such as ‘Architect or Bee?’, and Mick Brennan in a distinguished contribution to the trade union movement.


It is truly remarkable that three of the most creative people to come out of the west of Ireland retained their childhood friendship to the end - all three of whom have left a wonderful personal legacy, and were deeply committed to the value of a life lived for a larger purpose.


Personally and collectively, with the loss of the last surviving member of the trio, the loss to the Irish public who value creativity is immense.


May I express my deepest condolences to Mick Brennan’s wife Ann, his children Paul, Liam, Maeve, Barry and Shane, and all of his family, trade union colleagues, and many friends.


May everlasting peace be with their spirits.”


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