An Post have agreed to advertise the position of Post Master in the current Post Office building in Roscommon Town.
This comes a month after controversial plans were announced by an Post to close the building and change it to a contractor run facility.
The initial decision was met locally with both shock and anger, and the thoughts of the people of Roscommon Town and the surrounding areas were reflected by Senator Eugene Murphy.
Now, after negotiation with Minister Jack Chambers and an post, Senator Murphy has confirmed that the position of Post Master will be advertised, essentially saving the existence of one of the town’s most iconic buildings and a vital service.
He also believes that this calls for a development of the building, which can see it used for more purposes than just postal, and encourages the public to have their say and share their ideas.
The Fianna Fáil Senator spoke to Midwest Radio’s Rian Bailey this afternoon about the announcement: