IFA will hold an online meeting next Wed, Jan 31st to update farmers affected by the Residential Zoned land Tax (RZLT).

IFA Farm Business Chair Bill O Keeffe says updated maps will be published on Thurs, Feb 1st. Landowners who are impacted can make submissions on these maps up to April 1st.

He says the briefing, which begins at 11am, is an opportunity for those who will be affected by this tax to understand the process and their options.

“Senior officials from both the Department of Housing, Local Government & Heritage and the Department of Finance have agreed to attend, present and take questions at this meeting"

Mr O’Keeffe says IFA has been working for some time to get all genuinely-farmed land removed from this tax.

“This work will continue, and I encourage all who may be affected to join this meeting,” he concluded.


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