As the EU institutions move towards a final agreement on the Nature Restoration Law the Irish Natura and Hill Farmers Association (INHFA) have called on the EU Commission for further engagement with relevant stakeholders before any agreement is signed off on.
In a letter from INHFA to the EU Commission the organisation detailed how the law will have a major impact on farming and our rural communities and outlined “how despite support for the law from Irish MEPs and Irish Government Ministers there is no support for this law in the farming community.”
The organisation also drew comparisons to the Nature directives that saw the introduction of land designations through the Special Areas of Conservation (SAC) and Special Protected Areas (SPA).
These directives were the letter explained “imposed on lands without consultation and have consequently failed in these objectives.
Speaking on this INHFA President Vincent Roddy also warned how the law as currently constructed is a direct threat to CAP payments.
He has been giving more details to Midwest Radio's Michael D. McAndrew.