Ernesto Zedillo, former President of Mexico, will be the guest speaker for the Sixth International Human Rights Lecture in Ballina Arts Centre on Monday, June 12th.
In recent years, as Director of the Center for the Study of Globalization at Yale University and member of the Elders, President Zedillo has championed human rights and global security.
The first Mary Robinson Climate Conference takes place 6-7 July, exploring the theme 'Communities Creating Change.' Speakers including Climate Scientist Professor Kevin Anderson, Extinction Rebellion's Manuel Balazar and Dr Eimear Cotter of the EPA will join Mary Robinson and a broad range of participants to engage on issues around climate change.
This event, takes place in venues across Ballina, encouraging participants to discover and enjoy all Ballina has to offer. The programme also offers a range of field trips to nearby climate action projects in peatlands, a wind farm and a coastal community.
The Mary Robinson Climate Conference is delivered in partnership with Ballina 2023, Mayo County Council, University of Galway and IPB Insurance.
More information and details of how to book these events are at