Marie McDonagh (née McGreal),
Cloonkeen, Carrowholly, Westport, Co. Mayo (January 15th 2023).
Predeceased by her husband Gerry.
Sadly missed by her loving family - son Joe, daughters Maureen and Anne, son-in-law Michael Martin, grandchildren Jerry (and his partner Catherine), Billy, Harley and Tommy, relatives, neighbours and friends.
May she rest in peace.
Reposing at Navin's Funeral Home, Mill Street, Westport (F28 XR 61) on Tuesday, 17th January from 6pm until 7:30pm with removal to Myna Church, Kilmeena arriving at 8pm.
Mass at 11am on Wednesday in Myna Church with burial in adjoining cemetery.
Funeral Mass will be live streamed on and on local radio 106.3fm
No flowers please. Donations in lieu to National Council for The Blind (NCBI)
May her gentle soul Rest In Peace.
May her gentle soul rest in Peace.
Such a lovely lady, May she find peaceful rest in her Eternal home.
A most pleasant lady always with whom we shared some lovely moments back through the years. May her gentle soul rest in eternal peace.
Rest In Peace
May she Rest in Peace
Cahir, Louisburg and Coventry McGreals.
May she rest in peace.
May she rest in peace.
Frances Campbell & Sharon O Malley